Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Making a difference through Social Networks

David Santistevan, a worship leader from San Diego is someone who uses the social network (Twitter, Facebook, Blogging) to make a difference.

David reckons that when it comes to the social media most people waste their time and reacts.

"I believe there is so much potential for people to make a difference. It’s one of my passions to see people use the social media to make something happen."

He says one should have a strategy or you will never accomplish what you're capable of.

David recommends 5 things one should do to use the social media as a "tool" of change.

1. Define your goal

My main focus is writing for my blog every day, providing content that helps people. I want to contribute helpful information that readers can apply. I’ve decided my blog is my “home base”. I use my social networks to promote my blog because I believe in what I’m writing. Decide what your goal is for social media – whether it’s blogging great content, an email newsletter, tweeting helpful tweets, or something maybe not a lot of other people are doing. Define your goal and go for it. This is one of the best ways I fight my tendency to hide – hide from doing anything remarkable. Yea, it’s a lot of work. Yea, I feel like I have nothing to say sometimes. But I still do it. So can you.

2. Read other Blogs

I like to read a lot of blogs. All I know about social media and blogging I’ve learned from intense reading. Every day I fire up my Google Reader and seek to deepen my knowledge of worship, social media, blogging, business, productivity, technology, and leadership. I recommend you become best friends with your RSS reader and subscribe to the best content. You’ve heard the phrase, “Leaders are readers”. They prepare for the future by increasing their knowledge today – constantly learning, constantly developing.

3. Comment on other Blogs

I always comment on a few blogs every day. I like to appreciate bloggers for their writing, connect with them, and contribute to their online communities. Not only does it grow my blog, but it enables me to have conversations with some amazing people that I would never have otherwise.

4. Schedule Tweets

When I come across blog posts that I think my followers will appreciate, I schedule them using HootSuite. I have found HootSuite to be the best Twitter app out there, simply for this feature. Scheduling my tweets has kept me from tweeting all day long and wasting a lot of time. Not only does tweeting great blog posts encourage your network, it also blesses the blogger and strengthens your relationship to them. Every blogger loves RT’s and mentions via social networks.

5. Engage with people

The best part of social media, by far, is the connection you have with real people. As I mentioned in this previous post, it’s so great when Twitter friends become real friends, when social networks become ministry partners in spreading the Gospel. It’s special. Don’t just throw your content out there and ignore everybody. Build community.

Follow David on Twitter: @dsantistevan

By Murilla Mary Titus

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